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최초의 역사를 향한 거침없는 비상

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연구실조만식기념관 743호
관련분야 영화연출, 미디어제작, 포토그라피, 비디오아트
학력 School of Visual Arts, B.F.A 1998, Film and Video Production Columbia University in the City of New York, M.F.A 2004, Film Directing
주요 경력 대한 카누연맹 스포츠 공정위원회 위원 2019~현재 서울특별시 건축물 미술작품심의위원회 위원 2016-2018 문화체육관광부 국립국어원 보도자료 홍보전문평가위원 2016-2017 서울문화재단 예술강사 지원사업 심사위원 2014-2017 소상공인시장 진흥공단 영상산업 심사위원 2014-2017 한국문화예술교육진흥원 예술강사 지원사업 심사위원 2013-2014
주요 연구업적 PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION Something Close, Something Far (2019) School of Visual Arts Seoul Gallery, Seoul 2019 ❏ Nature photography exhibition of work accumulated between 2015-19 FILMOGRAPHY Sky Park View (2016) ❏ Visual documentary of the development of the Bundang urban development and its aftermath, concentrating on the interplay between natural elements and traces of human beings. ❏ Featured in the Green Film Festival (Seoul; 2016) and Speechless Film Festival (Minnesota; 2016) Meditation at the Window (2014) ❏ Visual documentary of natural images surrounding the heat and power plant constructed as part of Bundang’s new urban development. ❏ Featured in the International New Media Festival (Seoul; 2014), Green Film Festival (Seoul; 2015), and Seoul International Experimental Film Festival (Seoul; 2015) Lake View  (2013) ❏ Visual documentary of the visual and auditory changes brought about by Bundang’s new urban development. ❏ Featured in Seoul International Experimental Film Festival (Seoul; 2013) Soongsil University public relations video (2011) ❏ Produced seven university public relations videos Green Frog (writer, 2009) ❏ Short film about a girl trying to save a green frog in the newly built city of Bundang. ❏ Featured in the Green Film Festival (Seoul; 2009) ❏ Funded by Samsung Engineering Queen’s Recipe (2004) ❏ Short fictional film about a Chinese food delivery boy’s delivery journey in Queens, New York. ❏ Winner of Geri Ashur Screenwriting Award, New York Foundation for the Arts (New York; 2004) ❏ Winner of Silver Knight Award, Golden Knight Malta International Film Festival (Malta; 2004) ❏ Winner of Best Short Film, Cinema Paradise Film Festival  (Honolulu; 2004) ❏ Featured in the Vancouver Asian Film Festival (Vancouver; 2004), Arpa International Film Festival (Los Angeles; 2005), Toronto Internet Film Festival (Toronto; 2004), Golden Knight Malta International Film Festival (Malta; 2004), Cinema Paradise Film Festival  (Honolulu; 2004)\  
수상내역 ❏ Fulbright Association Fulbright Senior Research Award Grantee (2020) Proposal; “Capturing Photographic Image of Human Trace in America’s National Parks” ❏ Samsung Engineering (Seoul; 2008) Production of a film on environmental protection ❏ New York Foundation for the Arts (New York; 2004) Geri Ashur Screenwriting Award ❏ Golden Knight Malta International Film Festival (Malta; 2004) Silver Knight Award ❏ Cinema Paradise Film Festival (Honolulu; 2004) Best Short Film ❏ Columbia University Film Division (New York; 2004) Post Production Completion Fund
저서·역서 The Secret of Making Films (Seoul: Hangil Publishing, 2007; in Korean) ❏ Authorized Korean language translation of Nicholas T. Profores’ book, Film Directing Fundamental
URLs https://vimeo.com/kimjinsub https://jinsubkim.com/
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